Tonight I let the sadness come.
I feel disconnected from my children, still there and going through the motions to feed and bathe them but distant… And tonight I choose gentleness. Instead of judging and condemning myself again… For disengaging… For self-preserving… For closing my raw heart… I forgive. I walk to fill up another glass of milk and I say… It is okay. You can distance yourself. Your heart matters too. So I do. And I soften. And I am gentle… With myself and Even more so with my children. I float up and just keep moving. Allowing this space from the intensity of the ground level… And it is okay. I still love. I still feel peace and presence… I don’t want to stay here forever… Too many years were spent floating and removed. But for tonight It is okay. It is a welcomed reprieve. An ethereal breath. I love and forgive me tonight. Tonight I let the sadness come. Tonight I choose gentleness.
February 2015