I feel impatient with where the energy goes when tragedy strikes. We all know that even though this is gut wrenchingly horrific, children and women have long been the victims of war and unimaginable violence as long as we've had a "civilized" society. I know that many of us have felt this in our bodies for a lifetime and most of us many lifetimes. Do we really think changing policies, long drawn out discussions about what kind of language to use and when about gun control and mental health are the issues? Or even something close to my heart parenting and our educational system? All of these "systems" have their roots in the collective soul conscious of humanity. For me this outward manifestation of violence is a reflection of my own inner violence... the hateful inner dialogue I speak to my body and about my frailties, the raging thoughts I have towards my kids when I feel lacking and unsupported, sickening and foul impulses that infiltrate my bio system from living in a world of mass media driven violence soup, no matter how hard I try to shield myself. You continue to take in the eyes of a sensationalized killer and my body shivers with hatred and fear. We are one. I am one with the victims as much as the killer. I must heal myself so that others my heal and live. I encourage you to do the same for the sake of our children and our planet.
(regarding the tragedy and lives lost at Sandy Hook Elementary School)
February 2015