Last week I blogged about Alignment #1 for living a more authentic life. These are rules I "officially" lived at Eden Unplugged in a small community of evolutionary entrepreneurs for three days and nights. They also represent the genuine feeling of self-awareness and community that was the real education students received in my classroom as a teacher of young souls...solving equations was secondary. :) I'm so excited to share them with you and have already received amazing feedback about peeps actually applying these principles to their lives and seeing results! Woo hoo!
Alignment #2: Don't Do What You Don't Want To Do! Now I was thinking to myself, this is the same as the first alignment and I really like to keep things positive rather than tell people what NOT to do. But there are a few important distinctions I would like to highlight here. Those of you who have ever said to yourself... I have to... I should... I'm supposed to... I always get roped into... I hate doing this but... I don't really want to but... then you are doing things that ARE NOT serving your highest interset and robbing you of more PRESENCE, PLEASURE and PEACE right now! No more obligations! Here's the subtlety - Alignment #2 is about you CEASING from doing the things you don't really want to do and Alignment #1 is about CREATING the things you DO want to do! So now CEASE and CREATE! (but only if you want to:)
Very important as the basis for each of these Six Alignments I learned at Eden is...
learning to become very present in your own life, day to day, moment to moment, millisecond to millisecond! When you are present body, mind and soul to yourself, your environment and to the people and energy around you, these alignments will come more naturally and produce more love, peace and inspired learning in your life. So... Alignment #1: Do What You Want To Do No...really! Stop worrying about how you will appear or offend people...just listen to yourself (there's that get present thing again) and do what you WANT! You can rest assured you will ALWAYS get immediate and useful information back from the Universe. Use it or don't. But for God's sake and your sanity, get in your body, listen and DO WHAT YOU WANT! ♥ This has helped me with the art of allowing...when others do what they want and don't try to guess what they SHOULD do, or what YOU want them to do, it frees all of us to allow for natural consequences good, bad or neutral, set boundaries and communicate our needs. When I do what I want I can observe the affects on myself and the people around me. It makes me an observer of my own life and empowers me to choose based on desirable or undesirable outcomes. Doing what I want helps get me closer to living the life, relationships and purpose I truly want to be living in this world by providing immediate feedback to my choices rather than having to navigate the thinking and psychology around why I choose what I choose. I choose it because I want to! It works to bring more life or it doesn't. As someone who's always boundaries, accepting that others do what they want has helped me be true to myself by setting better boundaries or reaching out with authentic communication if I am uncomfortable or don't understand someone else’s choices. Not to mention making it easier for me to let go of um, hem..some...(cough, cough)...control issues! Whew! :) Practical Tip: Stay attention and accept the feedback the Universe provides when you do what you want! Use it...or don't! Do what you want! :) It has been quite an adjustment this last month after returning from Eden! It's like I was on a natural high immediately when I returned...and then my body was like, wait, this is TOO good and I created situations in my life to screw myself out of manifesting in my "real" life all the wonderful things that happened inside me at Eden!
Have you ever done this? It's called hitting your "upper limit." It can look like picking a fight with your partner (this is my fav...blah...poor Steve), procrastinating, yelling at your kids, overeating, not taking care of yourself, really anything that will keep you from focusing on making positive change in your life and bring you right back down into the muckity-muck! I've felt this many times before I know I'm supposed to step into something bigger. It feels like you're being stretched from the inside out. Why? Because you're expanding into new uncharted territory!!! Exciting but oh-so-scary too! So instead of heading back to where I feel "comfortable" (which actually, after fighting about the dishes for the 400th time, I realized, really actually sucks!) I've begun LIVING what I learned at Eden and wouldn't ya know, I'm right back on track and ready to share it with ya'll. So here a simple tool we used regularly at Eden Unplugged and I have used in many other arenas in my life throughout the years! This works at home, work, social gatherings, classrooms, with kids, with cranky spouses, with friends and strangers alike! And yes, I've tried it with all of the above! So please, for God's sake and your sanity, try this at home! :) Circle Time! 1) Sit or stand in a circle...yes, that's right, just like in kindergarden! (also works with two people, so no excuses :)). 2) Take a deep breath together. Do it a few times if it feels a little weird. (yes, we did this in my junir high classromm almost every day) 3) Invite everyone to check in or pay attention to how their body is feeling (giggle, giggle). This could mean physically, energetically, if there is pain, or excitement in the belly, light headed, nervous energy, etc. 4) Invite everyone to share. a) Name b) How there are feeling in there body and c) if there is anything keeping them from feeling completely present right there and then. Or come up with a question of your own. We used "What inspired you to come" at our last community gathering and it was so incredible to watch people (many complete strangers) simply begin to connect... authentically... by just sitting in circle together! Try it. You might like it! :) Let me know what you think by leaving a comment below! :) I’m crying as I begin to write this.
I’ve been trying to find a way to express to all of you what I soaked up, practiced and learned at Eden Unplugged last week. There is so much I want to tell you but as I sit to write, my heart is heavy because writing this means I am no longer there…for reals. I’m no longer sitting naked in the healing waters of the hot springs, I am no longer in the warm shelter of my tent/soul mate mama, I am no longer listening, connecting, crying, hugging, eye gazing, dancing and holding space with the beautiful souls I was fortunate enough to cross paths with on this desert in the journey. Smiling through the tears now. As I sit hear in my local coffee shop sipping a matte latte with a scarf I wore most of the time at Eden wrapped around my shoulders (I may never wash this thing again), trying to keep the hip barista guy from seeing proof of sorrow streaming down my face, I feel an incredible energy and hopefulness! My experience at Eden has proven to me that the world I have dreamed of all my life (and somewhat lived in, if only in my head :)) IS possible! We CAN be and love, allow and accept, create and fall apart with each other…in community! We no longer have to live in the illusion of isolation! You can be who you really are…all of you… naked and raw, vulnerable and brilliant and it will be will be enough! Writing this, honoring what I said I would do when I got back and sharing what I have learned, is calling me out of that space in my heart I have not wanted to let go of for the past 11 days…so thank you for holding me to my promise to share…I will, in depth and in all the amazingness that is Eden and Eden unplugged share more! For now, thank you for allowing me this moment to grieve the physical experience of Eden so that I can begin to, with your help, manifest the spirit of Eden in the real world! Woo hoo! I think it will seep out through these messages over the next few weeks but if there is one lesson to take away and one I am learning through this process of reintegration into the “default” world, it is honor where you are. If you feel yourself, trying, pulling, pushing, straining, feeling the “have tos” and shoulds…stop…no seriously, Stop... Take a deep belly breath…. Allow whatever you are feeling to just be. Allow yourself to feel it in your body and feel it and feel it and FEEL IT until the Universe has squeezed every last beautiful, sparkling nourishing tear from you and then… Listen... listen close to the Eden of YOUR heart! Let’s build it together! I’m in! Are you? |
February 2015