Short and Sweet! Here they are! I am at your service if you feel that subtle or wild nudging to begin living your life from your heart too! 1) I invested in myself! Yep, I hired a coach! AND it was someone who was living a life of service, love, passion and had already attained the financial goals I was seeking! So, was it a stretch for me? Yes! But was it worth the stretching? Absolutely! Making this commitment to myself made me put my physical energy (money and body) and ethereal energy (thoughts, emotions and spirit) into action every single day! 2) I stayed in the flow. Throughout the process, I listened to my own body, intuition and instincts! I said yes to myself and trusted completely where I was being led in every moment! I stayed present and listened to where I was being led. This does indeed take time and practice AND it's completely possible now! 3) I let myself be seen! I can't serve more people if I'm hiding in stalker mode on facebook! :) I consistently allowed myself to be seen and did things I was uncomfortable with that stretched me as a spiritual and physical being. I allowed myself to be more vulnerable, to possible fail or be rejected (like here when I went into hiding for a year lol). But I cannot serve in a bigger way and build a world I want my children to live in if I am not speaking the truth I KNOW deep down in my soul! We are here to live our unique "heart work!" To love this world in a way only we know how in order to create a more present, pleasurable and peaceful way of being for ALL! get to work! :) Love, love, love!
“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain” but do make sure to ask him a few questions before you continue down the yellow brick road or stop to smell the poppies! :) Call it whatever you’d like, God, Universe, Unlimited Potentiality or The Wizard it is imperative that after surrendering, that you ask questions of the Source of all creative energy! Know that when you do this, you are tapping into the unlimited wealth of knowledge and wisdom that expands before the beginning of time and long after this planet ours returns to dust…stardust that is! :)
Agreed upon now by religious mystics and many quantum scientists, the space-time continuum only exists in our heads! I knew there was a reason I never wore a watch! But, practically, and yes, I said practically (in a way that is useful and sensible), this means we can access the wisdom of the ages and beyond!!! So in order to begin doing this, you need to sit down, shut up and start asking questions (ah, er I mean…place your bum on a soft meditation cushion, quiet your mind and mouth, take a deep breath and) START ASKING QUESTIONS! Okay, there are a few things you need to know before sitting at the foot of your Inner Wizard: 1) A little bit about how your mind works to access the information 2) The type of questions you should ask 3) What to do after you’ve asked the question Most of us, from the time we wake up to the time our head hits the pillow, are using our Waking Mind (or Conscious Mind). But did you know we have three other Minds working all the time? Imagine a totem pole…okay, got it…your Waking Mind is somewhere in the middle, your Automatic/Programmed Mind (Subconscious Mind) is underneath it, your Awakening Mind is above it and at the top is the Universal Mind! Here’s the not-so-god news…our Automatic or Programmed Mind is controlling the majority of our Waking Mind (daily interactions, decisions, choices, etc.) and unless you’ve had a completely blissful, peaceful, joyful existence up to this point or learned techniques to reprogram your brain (I have references if you need them :)), your Programmed Mind is doing everything in it’s power to make sure you act in a way that keeps you safe and secure based on your limited past experiences. So if you’re completely blissful with your current life situation then you can stop here, but if you’re like the rest of us and think there might be more love, light and truth to access out there, then read on. So say you have trouble controlling your food intake. Your Waking Mind asks in desperation in the middle of a box of Oreos, why do I continue to eat and eat and eat even when I know it is not serving my highest interest? Your Programmed Mind is like, “hey sista, life is stressful and we all need a little something to comfort us once in a while…remember that’s what mom used to do and when you were upset.. she would feed you to keep you comfortable and feeling loved!” Thus continues the cycle…eat….comfort….love! Fixed, right? Remember how you surrendered to that power bigger and wiser than yourself. You now know you have complete access to the wisdom of that Power so try this....NOW…okay when you’re done reading this…but today for sure! Sit, get quiet, breathe….breathe….breathe…now imagine your Awakening Mind (Your Intuition) just waiting for you to ask the right question so it can filter wisdom from the Universal Mind so that you can begin acting in a way that serves your highest self and that of those around you. So you breathe…”I am frustrated. I continue to eat when I know it is hurting my body and my mind. Why do I continue to do this to myself?” Try it…and see if you can FEEL a difference in your body when you have the intention of tapping into your inner wisdom…your Awakening Mind…Your Intuition. See what filters through….stay open and know that you have access to the Universal Mind because you are a part of it! I know, out there for some of you, but true! :) Do you feel lighter? More hopeful? Just try it and see… 2) It is important to ask questions that are MEANINGFUL to YOU! This seems obvious, but let’s stick with the food example above to see how easily we betray ourselves. If I’m happy and feeling good about myself but I think I’m supposed to be eating better or look a different way based on what my friends say, who’s on the cover of the newest fashion magazine or for God’s sake even what Dr. Oz has to say (and I love the man), then it’s not going to work because you’re not being true to you. A better question then might be, “why do I feel like I have to ask questions of my higher self that I really don’t give a sh*t about?” Get it? Good. Now we’re getting somewhere! :) 3) And finally, you’ve breathed…and breathed….and breathed…. you’ve tapped into or even just thought about accessing your Awakening Mind (all it takes is the awareness and the intention to “tap in” which you’ve gained just by reading this blog…sweet!). You’ve asked a question that is meaningful to YOU! Good. Great. Now this is the hard part…take another deep breathe and dun, dun, dun….Listen! Coming Soon to a Blog Near You! :) About five years ago, when I was the youngest member on the very official, pastoral counsel, at one of the largest Catholic churches in the nation, I was asked to give a talk about prayer to about 100 junior high kids! And get this; I didn’t have ANY technology support…so no cool little floating Jesuses in lotus position or videos of the newest “come to Jesus” celebrity to back up my ponderings on this ancient practice. Just me, about a billion raging hormones and some poster board! Fast forward to the present (and an eternity of spiritual awakenings later), I look back on that talk (that went very well, I might brag) and am proud that even before I was a meditating, intuitive guru (okay, too far) I was indeed able to impart a little wisdom that still rings true for me. I hope you will find it a useful acronym to add to your toolbox as well. Okay, so for you culinary savants out there, I’m not really sure if salt is a spice or a seasoning but please insert the proper gastronomic phrase and let’s all just move forward, please? Intuition is one of those words that’s fun to say but can be really hard to put into practical everyday use; one, because we’re not all convinced that it SHOULD be integrated into our daily lives but also because we have a belief (whether conscious or unconscious) that this nebulous term is reserved for the uber special spirtua-lites who can actually trust their gut if they feel like their plane is going down. Well, I say throw some seasoning over your left (or is it right) shoulder and let’s begin to reclaim our birth right as the salt of the earth! S is for Surrender Have you ever been so caught up in a situation, say, trying to make a relationship succeed or contriving every detail of a project for work or scheduling your children’s day to the millisecond just so you could make sure you were comfortable, it was done right or you could have a little peace? How’d that work out for you? Did you feel the ease and bliss that life can bring or did you pop an anxiety pill and trudge forward believing that if you could gain just a little more control of the situation, everything would be fine. Fast forward days, weeks and for some, decades later. Did it work? And if it did, how is your health? Are your relationships nurturing? Are you in love with your career? And most importantly (drum roll please) are you happy? I’m here to tell you your intuition can save you from grey hairs, wrinkles, heart palpitations, sleep and not to mention ill-suited jobs and relationships. But in order to hear this little voice that truly does reside in each one of us, you must surrender! Hmmm, well that’s nice Leslie, I’ll just wave my little white flag and check out of reality for a while. Although I would recommend this for some, specifically for all you single, independently wealthy, unemployed, in the best shape of your life people out there (you know who you are), I will try to expound for the rest of us. Surrendering can be very scary which is why some of us never even make it to this first step of tapping into intuition. It means letting go. Letting go of any judgments, beliefs and perceptions that you may have about the situation. For some of us it’s taking a step back and admitting that, as wonderful as we are, we may only see a tiny part of the big picture, and dun, dun, dun…we might be WRONG! To surrender is humbling but it is also empowering. It opens you up and makes you more receptive (yes, a feminine/yin quality that most of our society is very uncomfortable with) to the one who would be your Helper, Wing-man (yang!) your Co-Creator. It is in this exhaling and letting go that we become vulnerable (I know, another dirty word) and able to see that there is something at work much greater than we can imagine. Lucky for divine order, we get to be a part of it if we can surrender to the Big Guy in the Sky, Universal Intelligence, Divine Source! So chose your co-pilot and let goooooooooooo! Paragraph. Stay tuned for A is for Ask!
February 2015