My work, no matter what I end up doing, always ends up being of a spiritual nature and thus far catalyzing a spark in those around me to go deeper within themselves to hear and feel and know what they are called to do on this planet.
It's astounding to watch as we awaken to this and more and more resources, information, gurus, theories, spiritualities, sciences, technologies, practices (ancient and new) emerge and reemerge AND our magnetism to go back into our default be it intellectualism, rationalism, religious like/institutionalized devotion, guru worship, or emotional irrationalism all in the name of higher consciousness and evolution... ANYTHING to take us out of the PRESENT MOMENT and the truth that ALL of this is INSIDE you and available at any given noticing...breathing....and relaxing into the simple life of the present. <3
I am SO thrilled you are here! It has been over a year since my last blog entry and I have been working strictly from my iPhone to see how minimal I can be! :)
Turns out for what I do, a computer is necessary...especially because writing (AND sharing my writing) is like air to me! But you should see the number of journals I've filled! :) So, enjoy the archives...there is LOTS of good, practical information and inspiration in there for you AND I look forward to sharing more love, silliness, kid inspired wisdom and practical soulful and parent practices! Stay tuned and thanks for reading! <3 |
February 2015