You are so in love with your life!
I know you are! Many of you have already figured out how to "love" your life, to do good to the people around you, even go above and beyond to call of everyday mortal being-ness to helping others less fortunate than yourselves which you've realized just happens to make you feel good too! Bonus! :) Come to think of it, your life is AWESOME! You really have NO REASON TO COMPLAIN! You're pretty much a bad ass, mama jama with a smile on your face if you do say so yourself! But I see you! I see you in all your awesomeness AND I see your leaks! Yep! You've got leaks. Energetic leaks! In the quiet of you're own soul...maybe at night as you're drifting off, you think to yourself, "I've got NOTHING to complain about! “ But there must be more (leak)…" You’re happy. You love your family, Your friends. Others may even envy your job situation! You even find a few hours a month to dabble in your own creativity or nurture your soul… but you still think...there was that one thing I always thought I’d do (leak)… And yet you quickly shut that "selfish" voice up because you have NOTHING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT! Why with people starving in Africa, hell, starving in our own streets... with thousands of people out of work veterans coming back from war physically and emotionally paralyzed, women and children dying of preventable illnesses and unthinkable abuse EVERY DAY I am doin’ A-O-K thank you very much! I hear you AND the world needs more of you! That voice you hear at night, that quiet apathy of “settling” is the voice of your inner wise one… the voice of Mother Earth whispering “I’m dying,” the voice of the Great Spirit ready to support you in stepping into the fullest realization of your gifts and dreams for the benefit of the whole! The hungry, unemployed, wounded and dying NEED you to do the work your soul is calling you to do now! If no one has told you yet, NOW IS THE TIME! What is YOUR heart calling you to do? What is your soul urging you to step into? I would love for you to share below and empower others to do the same! I love you and I’m holding your hand and I know you're holding mine!
![]() I’m often asked, how did you do it? Do what, I think to myself, before I remember that the vast majority of people living on this planet are STILL not doing what they love!!! My response, once I remember I’m living a life that most people still think is not possible, is always, I got pregnant! Yep! I am recommending that ya’ll get pregnant! But really, I was reflecting on, when the Universe (okay and a couple beers, a hookah pipe and my handsome willing baby daddy) conspired to help me become “with child,” WHY was this the time I decided to strike out on my own creating my own business? To some that might seem like the craziest time to take such a big risk! We’ll it was and it wasn’t. My life was the most unstable it a had ever been having NOT chosen a traditional way to start a family AND I was taking better care of my body, mind and soul than I ever had in my whole life! Did you hear that?! I was making myself….body, mind and soul a PRIORITY!!! I knew how important it was to create an environment for this little one growing inside of me that was nurturing, healthy and loving and so I became grounded in myself for the first time! Granted, I was doing for someone else (thank you, Louisa!) but I was doing it and that’s when I was able to hear. This is when I felt and heard the call to something much bigger than myself! I had always known I had something bigger to offer but this time the feeling in my body gave me no choice but to act on creating the pathway to more love and greatness! Did you hear that women (and you self sacrificing, over-giving men)!!! The more care I showed myself the louder the calling to do my heart work in the world became!!! So if you’re ready to figure out what your heart work really is and you have no idea where to start…get pregnant! Or don’t and just go drink a green smoothie, meditate, think positive loving thoughts towards yourself and your body, indulge in relaxation, go to bed early, drink lots of water allow others to take care of you and open up to the possibility of birthing your own “heart work” into the world! ![]() Short and Sweet! Here they are! I am at your service if you feel that subtle or wild nudging to begin living your life from your heart too! 1) I invested in myself! Yep, I hired a coach! AND it was someone who was living a life of service, love, passion and had already attained the financial goals I was seeking! So, was it a stretch for me? Yes! But was it worth the stretching? Absolutely! Making this commitment to myself made me put my physical energy (money and body) and ethereal energy (thoughts, emotions and spirit) into action every single day! 2) I stayed in the flow. Throughout the process, I listened to my own body, intuition and instincts! I said yes to myself and trusted completely where I was being led in every moment! I stayed present and listened to where I was being led. This does indeed take time and practice AND it's completely possible now! 3) I let myself be seen! I can't serve more people if I'm hiding in stalker mode on facebook! :) I consistently allowed myself to be seen and did things I was uncomfortable with that stretched me as a spiritual and physical being. I allowed myself to be more vulnerable, to possible fail or be rejected (like here when I went into hiding for a year lol). But I cannot serve in a bigger way and build a world I want my children to live in if I am not speaking the truth I KNOW deep down in my soul! We are here to live our unique "heart work!" To love this world in a way only we know how in order to create a more present, pleasurable and peaceful way of being for ALL! get to work! :) Love, love, love! Heart Work Checklist!
_____Do you generally feel happy, but feel like your gifts are being underused or wasted supporting someone else. _____Do you feel constricted in your body or mind at work or in certain professional relationships? _____Are you beginning to worry that your childhood dreams may not be fulfilled if you continue of the road you are on? _____Is your physical and mental health suffering because of your current job or related relationships? ______Are you in a pattern of go-go-go and then crash? ______Do you have a nagging feeling that there MUST be something more? If you answered a resounding YES to 3 or more of these questions then you may very well be at a perfect energetic state to make a quantum shift in your life to live more joy, love and peace through creating your “heart work!” Woo hoo! The world needs you! |
February 2015