I KNOW you can feel it! And I know it’s not going to be a secret for much longer – thank GOD!
I’ve received a few, okay many, emails, messages and comments with a similar feel and I’m calling you out…all of you! :) It goes something like this: “Leslie, I so feel and resonate with what you wrote/said. I feel what you are feeling too. Thank you for articulating it.” Okay, so this really doesn’t do even the slightest bit of justice to the beautiful responses I receive, but I know you guys get it!** We are at a point in our evolution where, every day, every hour, every minute is beginning to feel like (and is!) a step into the abyss…into the unknown! We are co-creating a new way of living, working and loving in a whole new paradigm! And I KNOW you can feel it too! We have the incredible responsibility and privilege of building a bridge to this “new world” for our children and we’re going to do it through getting really, REALLY present (here, now, this moment) and doing it in community! Huge, right? Maybe not. Here’s the deal! It’s true. What you’re feeling is real! In short, it’s hard to name because it is in the subtleties of being. You are feeling it when you are present, allowing and connecting, but not necessarily aware of when you are in it! Whoa! Bringing conscious awareness to each of these elements of BE-ing will help clarify how exactly YOU fit into this evolutionary process. This is the essence of what I experienced in real time at Eden where I found my tribe! So let me break these subtleties down a little: Warning: These are so simple you “thinking/mental/intelligent body may want to disregard and make them insignificant BUT I encourage you to feel into these in your physical body. If you need help doing this contact me and I’m happy to help. 1) You guessed it…GET PRESENT! You’ve heard it from me before and you’ll hear in again but find a practice that helps get you in the moment, be it meditation, breathing techniques, yoga …hell – give yourself a pinch every now and then! But the new paradigm of living and loving is here and now…so get there, err…ah…here…now! :) 2) ALLOW! Welcome to the present moment. NOW, you must ALLOW (ooooo mama, this is a hard one for me!). Allow everything to be as it is and everyone to be just as they are. That’s right…no fixing, no judging (which is just fixing in your head), and no blaming or projecting your own crap onto others. I know this is a big one, especially us women who feel like we could pretty much run the world all by ourselves (thank you very much) if everyone would just DO AS I SAY! And, sistah, believe me, I hear you! ;) But think of it this way…allowing is close to our natural state of receiving.* Ahhhh, so much to share here! So for now, allow, allow, allow…and if you have to bite your tongue to get through the day – well, then, at least it will get you present! :) 3) CONNECT...no, seriously! How many of us go through our days “connecting” without really connecting? You know what I mean, your lips are moving and so are theirs but you’re in your head making assumptions, replaying your day, picking up the kids, etc and a whole conversation has gone by without you really being present. So here’s my suggestion: find a group of people you can practice getting present with and allow each other to be…yep, that’s it! Find a community where you can breathe, meditate, stretch and allow yourself and others to be good, bad, ugly, brilliant, guilty, fearful, genius, idiotic…whatever! Find a circle of peeps where you will be allowed to be you…all of you! Sound good? Connect now! :) Local? Connect HERE! :) Come on by! I'll be holding the container for this kind of community on June 5th! and if you're not local but want to connect to a like-minded communiy send me a quick message here with this in the subject line: “I’m in from (your city here)!” Ex: I’m in from Tempe, AZ!” And I will get you more info as it becomes availble...remember, I'm stepping into the unknown too...weeeeee! :) So that’s it. Subtle…yes. Simple…yes. Supported…yes. So let’s build this bridge together! You in? **I thank YOU for the continued inspiration in your responses to these posts for you help me remember who I am and why am here so I can hopefully do them same for you. :) *We no longer have to control everything around us in order to survive in this world and if you still feel like you do, like I do sometimes, gently remind yourself that you are safe and the need to control is just an illusion…whew! The world is now ready for us. We are safe to allow other people, institutions, societies, cultures, and worlds to just be. Let’s start to rest in the divine feminine knowing…allowing…. receiving…trusting that by doing so we will catalyze POWERFUL change is this world! More to come on this!
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February 2015